Saturday 16 July 2011

KSSR English

 Speaking in English is quite difficult for some of us.KPM had create many way for the children to speak English fluently.One of the way is using phoneme.Here is a url for the teacher in helping them to teach the children.

How To Start Your Own Blog.
Step 1: Create a Google Account

Step 2: Sign in to Create a Blog at


Step 3: Name Your New Blog.


Step 4: Choose a Template.


Step 5: Congratulations - Your New Blog is Active!


Step 6: Write Your First Post.


Sunday 10 July 2011

Tongue Twisters

Ben sents ten pens to the tent around the bend in a van.

Send toast to ten tense stout saints' ten tall tents.
            by Raymond Weisling

For more Tongue Twisters visit :

Saturday 9 July 2011